polytropic exponent

美 [ˌpɑˌliˈtrɔpɪk ɪkˈspoʊnənt]

网络  多变指数; 多方指数



  1. A method of studying the characters was proposed by the piecewise process and the polytropic exponent based on ideal gas polytropic equation adapted generally at present.
  2. That the methane expansion process is a polytropic process is presented, the calculation method of polytropic exponent has been pointed out. The thermodynamic model of energy exchange in coal and gas outburst process is established.
  3. Determines calculation formula of polytropic exponent of energy accumulator in plenum process. In the light of formulas, oil reservoir of energy accumulator can be accounted. Experiment argued that their accuracy is fully satisfied with requirement of engineering technology and use.
  4. Determination of Polytropic Exponent of Energy Accumulator in Plenum Process and Account of Oil Reservoir
  5. The Polytropic Exponent n and the Quasi-static Process of ideal Gas
  6. In order to obtain accurate sonic conductance of solenoid valve, polytropic exponent was used first time during the data processing in the discharge method for measurement pneumatic component flow rate characteristics.
  7. The Selection and Calculation of the Bag-type Accumulator Study of range of air polytropic exponent value for bladder accumulator
  8. Polytropic Exponent Applied in Discharge Method
  9. But during the actual measurement, the part polytropic exponent method has high applicable value for simpler and more accurate.
  10. For those explosives that the polytropic exponent γ is not equal to 3, the little-parameter-disturbed method was introduced to solute the problem.
  11. The relationship between parameters such as polytropic exponent, charge volume, effective volume and pressure ratio of accumulator, and influence on energy density were particularly detailed analyzed.
  12. At the same condition, polytropic exponent increases, meaning heat loss from the nozzle increases, will lead to outlet velocity and local acoustic velocity decreasing, but Mach number increasing.
  13. Through the mathematical reasoning, the polytropic processes model is connected with the heat transfer model and the first law. The value of the polytropic exponent can be obtained by the air mass, heat, and work exchanges of the pneumatic container.
  14. The flow of ideal gas in polytropic process was theoretical studied in micro-nozzle, and the influences of polytropic exponent were also analyzed.